An Invitation
Here's your opportunity to receive a regular report card on how your school is using utility resources. You can use the report
card to compare utility use to other months or years or other schools. We would like to include more utilities and school
districts in the utility report card program and have developed the tool to be expanded widely for use.
These are the steps necessary to participate:
- Obtain an agreement to participate from an official of the school district.
- Obtain an agreement with the utility (or utilities) serving the school
to cooperate and send data automatically to the Florida Solar Energy Center (an institute of the University of Central Florida).
This requires permission from an authorized agent of the school district to the utility.
- Identify a sponsor agreeable to the school district. The sponsor can be the school district, the utility, or a corporation
that would like to contribute to help the school district. Sponsors will be listed on the home page for that school district as
well as mentioned in each electronic monthly report card. Send sponsor logo and link.
- Participating school districts will be invoiced annually for services with payment due in advance. School district costs to
participate are based on the following fee schedules. Note that start-up costs are significantly reduced for utilities that will
automatically send the data in our preferred format.
Contact Jeremy Nelson via email or phone (321) 638-1016 for a custom quote for your school district, and ask about grant opportunities that may be available.
- A simple letter agreement (see sample) between the sponsor and UCF will
need to be signed. Please contact the FSEC Utility Report Card manager with questions
- The utility's billing database manager should contact FSEC's database manager for
the required data and instructions on how to automatically send the data.
- Email FSEC a list of recipients (first name, last name, title, phone, and email address) who you would like to receive the monthly report cards. Recommended recipients include energy officials, principals, school board members and some science teachers.
- For extra benefit and use of the tool, provide the total square footage for each school.
- Use the utility report card tool to track energy use, target likely schools for energy improvements and as an educational tool for high school students studying energy and the environment.